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Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Man and A Twig

The door slams suddenly and violently. And in that moment fear struck the room like guilt on a rainy day. A man, beautiful in so many ways, enters his domain. The air runs and hides in its secret spot that air calls its panic room. Luckily on this day not a human being nor animal existed in these confines. From my understanding the lost souls that reside there as well were also gone to a free buffet with live music. This man wore an emotion on his sleeveless sleeve and this emotion lit up the room like the Strip in Vegas. Vegas baby. Vegas. Now, what we don't know is exactly what was this emotion. Speculation adheres that it is very possible the emotion, lit like the Fourth of July, was frustration. What happened next is again speculation and assumptions, but both from non perjured testimony of a twig. A twig that on this day was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A twig that felt a man's emotion. A man's frustration. Now the details are sketchy as we only have one side of the story. But twigs are known to be the most honest creatures on earth. But still. I question why the twig did not leave the room, the establishment. He states he would never abandon his family of twigs. 200 plus twigglies. What occurred was a frustrated man physically abused this twig. The twig suffered multiple injuries, but still failed to press charges. In fact the twig and his family have forgiven a frustrated man. As of this morning a man and a twig are adamantly practicing the art of FREEMEN.