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Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 1

There was a time when i thought I knew what freedom was

I mean freedom still consists of 2 wheels on an open road

But it can be much much more

If we go back a few years and I think about decisions that were made

I don’t have any regrets except two

Now that statement might sound like hypocrisy

But indeed it is not

2 beings went without

2 beings that embody what freedom is

We were separate as well as the same

They did not know

I did not know


We bond. Inseparable beings connected through the fiber within us

A form of freedom consists in our actions. Our behaviors. Our words.

Together we set a path. A road not yet taken as it was just created.

Their mannerisms become mine. My mannerisms become theirs.

We form a gang and nobody will ever fudge with us.

But as a gang. We smile. We love. We exist. We live. Freedom.

Today is the aftermath of day 1.

A man apart. Alone without his gang.

I wait.

I cry.

I smile.