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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 1

There is a reason why things happen. There is always a reason. Deceit, crime, vengeance, hate never wins. It only brings about pain and a lost soul. Can people be rehabilitated? I feel like the answer is YES, but one can never be sure. There has to be trust. There has to be a reason to change and be better. Things happen because we cause them too. Some for the wrong reason, yet some for the right reasons. An example would be a dog shitting on a carpet. The dog is asking for help. WE just have to see it. Feel it. Believe in it. Hold it. Love it. It is with this pretext that I want to bring up a story that I am working on. A man. A friend. A person who saved my life years ago and whos calling for me to help his life NOW, I HEAR LOUD AND CLEAR. You know humans are not perfect. We err with pure intent at times. WE reach rock bottom only to realize we are not alone. We CAN rehabilitate. WE can love again. We are not lost. We are found. WE have a god. Its time we self sacrifice. We touch others. I dont have all the answers. I cannot see the future. But I have an opportunity to share a story. This posting will serve as my contractual agreement. My treaty that I want in. That I have been punished long enough. That the hurt I created can bring good. That I ACCCEPT the challenge. No matter where  we are in life, there is good to be done. Some call this the Lords work. And I am now a soldier. Again.
I apologize to everyone in this world. And with that I bring  you a story. Now it will take time to tell. I will use this as my canvas. My Notes. My perspective. My reality. My path for righteousness. My way to get to heaven. There are alot of things to live for and I know what they are for me. But this mission is something I must do. If I stand for anything it will be known. This is not a joke. This is reality. This is not about me. This is about an opportunity. An opportunity to save a mans life.