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Monday, May 16, 2011


* I just met a fat Richard Gere and he was talking about hookers. Typical.
* I watched a guy tonite who made people laugh and cry with his sushi.
*I watch as this man created masterpieces and filled people with hope and happiness.
*Sometimes life gives you lemons........Fuck that. What do you do when life gives you hand grenades? That's what I thought
*He turned Mackeral from the shit fish to Ariel's father. Why not her best friends were a crab and a fish.
*Just played a joke on a stranger in restroom.....he was not amused.
* ....just met tucker max.
*Who would win in a fight between two no titty broads?
*Jack Johnson just sucked me off...know that world
*Instead of seeing kickass I wish I would of got my ass kicked
*It's a new day full of careless thieves and new old sagas.
*He doesn't like hippies so he won't Fuck organic fruit.
*I feel like I'm in a comedy drama sitcom called Boredom.
* a map to gollums ass hole.
* I feel like march madness is a term used by serial killers or in chicken coops