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Monday, September 26, 2016

Man's Downfall

The inevitable downfall of man. A man with imperfections. A man misunderstood at times but perfectly clear most times. A man with flaws, but ultimate kindness. A Cancer full of possibilities. A man self aware of his idiosyncrasies, yet willing to adapt to any habitat. A man that smiles because it's his being. But a man with sadness because we are all human. A man confused. A man apart. Unsatisfying and no regrets. Love of life but broken. A man who sees his purpose. A man who lives. A man who makes others better. Mostly. But not enough. A man of sacrifice. A man with a hole. Not in his heart, but his soul. An old vet with vitality. But vitality currently dim. A man with tears. A man with joy. A man with understanding. A man with goodness. A man on a path who had light, but no longer. A man in darkness. A man who had fallen. But a man who will get back up. A man mistreated unjustified, but a man with forgiveness infinitely. In the end there is no downfall of man. There is just a man and whether in darkness or light, man will prevail.