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Thursday, July 26, 2012


I awake from a dream like milk from a goat and the first thing I see are lights from all directions. I can’t determine just yet the source but I felt like the wind was beneath my being. Like I was floating and yet my feet were on the ground. When I regain my senses I am allowed to regain my breath. And I smell honey and larkspur. How I know these smells I have no idea. I am conscious. I am alive. That was all that mattered. I had mind and body, but no spirit. When I sold my soul, I specifically remember in the contract that there was a date to be determined. There is no way that date was today. I read the fine print didn’t I? I am annoyed by the lights. I am annoyed by this feeling of relentless abandoned. I am just annoyed. Can I go back to the dream?