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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Push Ups

So recently I witnessed something that I would call the gayest moment in the history of my life. Push Ups. No not bras you pervs. Military style push ups by non military style men. Wait. And at a Friday nite hookah bar nonetheless. Now the hookah bar was a fine establishment, but push ups. Give me a fucking break. Eight boys wanting to be men, doing one handed push ups. Doing one legged push ups. Doing push ups and than that idiotic clap in between. Doing push ups in tandem. Counting push ups out loud. In case you have not graduated grade school and do not understand my rant, I was at a fucking HOOKAH BAR on a Friday evening. During this time I had psychotic episodes of drowning nearby in the Pacific Ocean, but than I would not be able to share this form of idiocy with you today. Its ok that my suicidal tendencies of thought occured this nite, however doing push ups at a hookah bar is not alright. Not never. Not ever. I see one more push up at a hookah bar and I swear a crime will be committed that night.