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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cocaine Trees

I would like to take some time to discuss in an open forum what I saw a few weeks ago in Northern California. Cocaine Trees. Now you will not hear about these on the news or will you be able to use google magic this time my friends. But these trees exist. I saw them with my one eyes. For legal reasons I cannot disclose exactly where they are at or even show you up close photos of what they look like that. From my understanding these Cocaine Trees are a sole proprietorship of the McLovin Cartel. You can google that, and I will tell you Tarantino has nothing on these guys. The bloodshed you will see will make you shit out a color of feces you will not want to see ever again. I discuss Cocaine Trees with you now to assist you with the understanding of the dangers associated with finding these trees and in my case tasting these trees. The high I got was nothing short of amazing. I felt like C3PO, but with Jedi powers aka "the force". But the next day I had a rude awakening. It has taken me two weeks to recover. Thank you McLovin Cartel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Heed this warning followers: If you see a Cocaine Tree, get the fuck out of dodge.