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Friday, March 25, 2011

Secret Revealed

Its time for me to confess. This is embarrassing too. I absolutely positively with no qualms or doubts love JUSTIN BIEBER. There I said it. Happy now. I have dreams about the kid ok. I love his music. I sing his tunes in the shower. I intentionally google him to get all the latest updates. I follow him on twitter and facebook. I have his pictures on all of my backgrounds. I have recently looked into changing my name to Bieber. I just simply love the lad alright, Not in a Law and Order SVU kind of way, but more in a platonic infatuation for the kids talents. I mean those moves. That voice. And I am not a fan of Canadians. I mean I hate the Toronto Raptors. And when the Bills play in Canada. Come on man. Thank you NFL lock out. But not to worry skeptical judge mentalists, I had this same man crush with Justin Timberlake. Maybe its a Justin thing. Either way it doesn't matter. I HAVE BIEBER FEVER.