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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The unconditional downFall of man

"This is your life and its ending one minute at at time"
A narrator said this in Fight Club and never have multiple words sounded so real. Each minute elapses and Men are never any closer to understanding why we fail and why we fall. After multiple case studies and years of observations the only conclusive evidence ever glimpsed is WOMEN. Its sad as just the other day I witnessed the demise of a great man to that of the jezebelian ways of WOMEN. His mind was corrupted like that of a hard drive when infected with a trojan virus. His need to make peace and his choice to please drove a man mad. I saw it coming. I did nothing. But in this case I take no responsibility for a man actions. I take no responsibility for the unconditional downfall of Man. On this day I take solace in understanding that Man will fail and Man will fall. Its the natural course of the unidentifiable secret of life. Bon Voyage Man. Bon Voyage.